Thursday, September 18, 2008


no thing to wrote actually. but today damn angry cause fongy banned us play basketball then still must wait till after PSLE!!!
ARGHHH!!!!!!!!!!! today feeling like looking fer eu after school but feeling like playiing basketball cause tomorrow de recess cant play le. =(
so jiu never go find eu..
wanna tell eu that although ii keep saying ii hate or dislike eu...ii dun meant it. and ii promised ii will lurb eu forever.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


eu really never even lurb mie once? not even once???
boon yesterday just told that eu gave andy the options wallet that ii gave eu..izzit true?
if is true....ii really hate eu! eu gave the things ii gave eu to your good friend huh?
eu are not once ii knew de ernest tan liao..sobs.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


its really no point living point living without eu. . . .
ii really lurb eu..but eu dun know that. and some more eu keep hurting mie.
to you....
im just a puppet.
im just a toy.
im just a simple gal.
to mie....
eu are my superman.
eu are my everything.
eu are a special boi.
but now ii must believe that, everyone say eu had already forgotten mie,
its the truth so ii must accept...but ii just wanna tell eu..although lots of people told mie that ernest dun lurb eu, but ii wan tell eu tis....
ii, angela han lurb eu, ernest tan forever believe it. cause its the truth too.
ii dun mind all the hurt eu cause last tym, as long as eu continue to lurb mie.
if eu dun then wish eu all the best wif your dream gal..

Thursday, September 11, 2008


on 08/09/2008, ii thought we had already stead or patch back liao...but its just wat ii thought!!
it wasnt true...its just mie (yi xiang qing yuan) all the way...ii believe that eu dindut even LIKE mie once rite?
ii believe that this is just our fate and your ''dream gal'' wasnt mie...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

flirt huh??

today since morning..ii saw poh-gini keep following uiee..and recess its still the same!!!!
still playing, never even care about mie de..!
sobs. eu dun care mie le..

Sunday, September 7, 2008

patch le? REALLY?

today as ii wait under your flat...ii was thinking if wat to say, in order fer us to patch...
ii finally did it..! we patch lerh...but eu seem to buay-song when we tok.
just as the way when eu say ''patch lorhhx'' hmph still say my attitude, da ben zhu eu oso horr...
but nevermind ii will still lurb eu forever de...ernest tan jun liang,
WO AII NII YII BEI ZII..okay? smuachk..!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


today, went to my new house...still remember the last tym ii went there, we were still chatting but today....
its like...a day worst than living in hell..
whenever ii saw couple, ii tink of eu and ii cry.
whenever ii heard love songs, ii tink of eu and ii cry.
whenever ii saw 'kia-rio', ii tink of eu and ii cry.
whenever ii pass by the place we used to hang along, ii tink of eu and ii cry.
whenever ii pass your house,ii tink of eu and ii cry.
whenever ii heard your name, no words anymore!!!
ii hate eu. eu made mie cry and give mie nothing but just a donkey..
as a punishment, ii had locked eeyore untill we patch..but ii dun tink we will patch,
so dear eeyore,
get ready to be there forever!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


(cry on my shoulder) is just crap!! lurb isnt free and all jus bull shit..!
love really not sux...anyway now ii dun realli trust lurb anymore..its all because of uiee..
but nevermind is uiee that teach mie dun trust lurb anymore de..anyway THANKS..(excuse)
ii shed tears fer uiee, ii cut myself fer uiee, ii scream lyk siao when uiee send mie that message..
so everyone thats view my blog must remember not to trust lurb too much...or else uiee will be hurt jus lyk mie
anyway today will be my last day thinking of uiee...wish uiee can be wif your gal (rachel goh) forever
and please dun hurt anyone le...although uiee are very caring.

Monday, September 1, 2008

patch please!!

this few days....really happened lots of sad tings that ii dun wish to happen but it really happened.
why must all the tings happen on night tym?? 28 august, uiee said can patch back but on 29 august, uiee ignore mie!!!
ii wonder if that means we didn't patch back...sobs. ii realli lurb uiee...can we patch please?? ii beg uiee...
ii realli cant live without uiee..or else is lyk living in the hell..! wo aii nii..patch k?? please.