Friday, August 29, 2008

no mood

today...that stupid andy tan jun yong asked mie to fuck off even though ii nv even ''call'' him..such a bastard still dare call mie bitch!!
today is celebrating teacher's day and we have our aces workout before the concert too >.<
quite a number of ex-students came back to see their teacher and that fucker too (andy,yong) but when they were playing basketball,
ii wanna tok to ernest so jiu ask suan shion help mie call him here but that fucker suddenly say"ask her to fuck off lahhx!"
as if im asking him to come liddat stupid, idiot, si jiaobin, bangala, puiteh,aiyahhx jus simply a retarded!!!!
HATE EU FER LIFE!! and wait almost forgot to tell eu, we patch le! =] BUT he seem to be angry wif mie or wat...cause he never reply when ii tok to him in msn... sobs

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Just not long ago , 11 of july , we had just started steading but on today we broke up!
it was just because of some rumours that cause us to break. that day when ii heard goh suan shion
said alot ppl say ''eu not fit ernest'' ! ii ran out of the classroom while crying as that was really hurting.
and ii jus told eu ''hm..........'' onli but to eu , eu tink that means break up le...sobs!! ii still thought we could last long
but it dosent... =[ ii still thought eu will be my onli darhlinn but now.....ALL OVER!!!! sobs.